Creating A Safer South West Coast Path

August 1, 2024

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TEAM TD supports the re-routing of the South West Coast Path

The South West Coastal Path is a multi-award-winning coast path known for its stunning views and coastal walks. The path spans across 630 miles of countryside, beginning in Minehead, Somerset and ending in Poole Harbour. The South West Coast Path is maintained by a number of people, including the National Trust’s South West rangers and more than a thousand volunteers.

Earlier this year, two members of our TD team put on their walking shoes and joined the South West Coast Path Association (SWCPA) on one of their many Trailblazing events. Our team TD are committed to the cause and preservation of the local area.

national trust volunteer programme

A select few from team TD set out for the day as part of the National Trust volunteer program. The programme gives volunteers the opportunity to help support and preserve the local area, accomplishing worthwhile tasks while getting out doors and meeting new people.

The TD team worked alongside the South West ranger and dedicated volunteers to reroute a section of the South West Coast Path. Due to coastal erosion and the immense amount of wet weather we have had so far this year, the path had to be relocated further inland, making it safer for everyone to enjoy.

The path was dug using mattocks and spades and then covered in a layer of stones. Stones had to be transported in buckets due to the remote location of the path, really putting the group of volunteers to work.

Throughout the day, many walkers passed by and expressed their gratitude to all of the volunteers for their hard work. 

"I was delighted to take part in the National Trust's project to create a new path in one of North Devon's most beautiful and popular hiking spots. The path-building experience was fantastic, with a really pleasant group of National Trust members and an incredible way to give back to our unique mother nature."

The path is now looking and functioning much better than before, making it safer for visitors to the area to enjoy the views of Bideford Bay. There are over 50 miles of coastal paths that the organisation manages, which is why volunteer groups like this coming together in force means everything to them.

If you’d like to find out how to volunteer to help in their next project follow the link here:

The South West Coast Path owes its unique character to natural processes. Our coastline would not look so beautiful and dramatic if it wasn’t for cliff and beach erosion. The downside is that sometimes cliff falls or landslips close sections of the Coast Path resulting in temporary inland diversions, which can occasionally be quite lengthy, being needed. In these instances, always follow signing and information on the ground.

We are also constantly looking for opportunities to improve the route in the few places where it is not as good as it could be.

To find out more about National Trust Volunteer Programme , visit their website 

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